Natural News Recipes
02/14/2020 / By Zoey Sky

It takes discipline to commit to a healthy eating plan, especially one as strict as the keto diet. But if

[addtoany url="http://2020-02-14-delicious-keto-approved-breakfasts-3-easy-recipes.html" title="Start your day right with a delicious keto-approved breakfast (includes 3 easy recipes)"]

10/11/2019 / By Zoey Sky

If you’re worried that a ketogenic diet can compromise your gut health, rest assured that this will only happen when you consume too

[addtoany url="http://2019-10-11-make-a-delicious-gut-healing-keto-green-smoothie.html" title="Use this formula to make a delicious, gut-healing keto green smoothie every time you’re in the kitchen"]

11/21/2018 / By Ellaine Castillo

Looking good gives most people the confidence boost they need. But appearance is not all about makeup or clothing; it

[addtoany url="http://2018-11-21-try-this-secret-smoothie-for-glowing-skin.html" title="Try this secret smoothie for glowing skin"]

08/21/2018 / By Edsel Cook

Fruits are really meant to be eaten, not drunk. That’s the conclusion of a recently released study that found out drinking

[addtoany url="http://2018-08-21-portion-control-eat-your-fruit-dont-drink-it.html" title="Portion control: Eat your fruit, don’t drink it; study finds consumption of fruit juice contributes to weight gain"]

08/08/2018 / By Rhonda Johansson

If we are what we eat, then what are you? Health groups recommend consuming at least five portions of fruits

[addtoany url="http://2018-08-08-how-to-easily-start-juicing-and-take-back-your-health.html" title="How to easily start juicing and take back your health"]